2004: it was MUCH worse than you thought...
Where the rotten elections and fraud may have started...
2004 was much worse than people thought. The Rossi/Gregoire election catastrophe, with the seditious King County Elections agency, the 4000 found ballots that favored Gregoire, and a judge 'giving' her a victory, (after losing two recounts…which King County Elections Director Dean Logan refused to certify (under the probable direction of then-County Executive Ron Sims)), set the corruption of our state in motion (with Inslee 'stepping on the accelerator with nitro fuel').
A little known (until now) senate bill was passed in the same year as the election catastrophe: SB 6417. Gregoire's ‘victory’ wasn't a coincidence.
SB 6417 was very likely a measure to ensure no one would be able to properly audit any future elections. The Rossi/Gregoire election (which includes the 4000+ mail in ballots that were found that favored Gregoire) was the benefactor of this bill. Whatever the ‘Powers that (shouldn’t) Be’ were planning, 2004 was the year they started it, and Gregoire was who ‘they’ used as a set-up for ‘their’ nefarious agenda.
When you pay attention to all the elections we've had since 2004, (especially since they passed statewide mail-in voting), this should give you a better idea of how rotten and corrupt our elections have been (currently are); especially if you pay attention to all the crazy, insane, and unconstiutional laws and agendas that have been passed.
SB 6417 passed unanimously in both houses (bi-parisan vote). It was sponsored by Sens. Pam Roach and Jim Kastama. Sen. Sam Hunt (the same rotten and corrupt individual who cosponsored SB 5459 (2023) – using bureaucracy to suppress investigation of (and hide) election fraud), voted in favor of it, as well as Dan Newhouse (before he was ‘[s]elected a representative of WA-03 for US House of Representatives, he represented LD 15). This bill came directly from Sam Reed, who also certified Gregoire’s ‘victory’. Then-Governor Gary Locke signed it into law.
This bill, and all who passed it and signed it into law, committed an open act of sedition against ‘We the People’ here in Washington State, as well as a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. (exercising the right to vote, is an exercising of free speech and seeking redress, which the government is forbidden from restricting or blocking).
This law specifically excludes any disclosure of voter records and registrations performed by the Department of Licensing (DoL), and any state agency (which would include: Department of Social and Human Services (DSHS), Department of Children, Youth, and Family Services (DCYFS), Department of Corrections (DoC), and any other agency that registers people to vote. The latest inclusion also excludes so-called ‘pre-registration of potential voters under the age of 18’.
The very important question is: why exclude those agencies from disclosure of records?
It seems, based on the reading of this law, they (the corrupt STATE of WASHINGTON) wish to hide something, and they don’t want ‘We the People’ finding out how fraudulent our elections are.
The possibility of these voter registrations being illegal (as in, registration of ineligible voters, due to citizenship, or incarceration) are likely high. This is especially true, when you factor in some of the whistleblower testimony from people who used to work for the DoL, and the DoC.
Only the county canvassing boards are able to perform audits of the elections, and all ballots must remained sealed for a period of at least 60 days. They can only be unsealed by court order, or the county that possesses them. The makeup of the county canvassing boards include the county auditor, and the legislative body of the county (which would be the county council).
No member of the voting public can serve or be on the canvassing board.
It's very likely the the people on the canvassing board (who are responsible for counting, and checking for duplicate/rejected ballots) weren't voted for lawfully.
Based on a conversation with the director of WEiCU, duplicate ballots are probably (and knowingly) being processed in our elections, with no oversight (in addition to the illegal registrations, and ERIC). There’s virtually no way to hold the people accountable who break these laws.
Even if one succeeds in getting a court order to view the ballots, voter registration, as well as election records, there's no guarantee of success, due to a corrupt judiciary (White v Skagit County/Clark County and WEiCU v King County Elections), due to judges who flout common law, and aggressively use statute code (Washington Civil Rules 8, 11, and 56, the Washington state version of the 'Federal Rules for Civil Procedure – section 12(b) 6), as well as RCW 42.56.540, to avoid public scrutiny of our elections – a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment (of the US Constitution).
It becomes very easy to see that everything bad that's happened with the State of Washington, started in the 2003-2004 legislative session. It was a setup for a total capture and corruption of our state, by globalist-linked criminals (posing as our ‘elected’ politicians).
We have every reason to question the legitimacy of not only, all of our so-called 'elected' politicians in this state...from the Governor's office, all the way down, but every bill passed and signed into law since then, as well; because of SB 6417.
I'll publish more information as I discover it.
It's time for people to understand what's really going on in our elections. The time for trusting our so-called [s]elected politicians (based on their ‘word’), has long since passed.
Exposure is key. And remember, dear patriots: Fraud VITIATES everything!
This newsletter has been editted multiple times, by me. There's something about this newsletter that I felt needed to get the message about our elections. The more people that know about the treachery that started in 2004, the better.
We were essentially 'sold up the poop creek without a paddle' by BOTH parties. This is just my own opinion, but I'm probably not the only one.
Thank you for reading. It means a lot to me.
Wow that is extremely elaborate measures to say the least. Going to take and act of God to un ravel all of that. Keep praying y’all and keep voting.