This newsletter has been editted multiple times, by me. There's something about this newsletter that I felt needed to get the message about our elections. The more people that know about the treachery that started in 2004, the better.
We were essentially 'sold up the poop creek without a paddle' by BOTH parties. This is just my own opinion, but I'm probably not the only one.
Wow that is a Deep State dive that took place so long ago. However it doesn't surprise me as we all knew at the time the Dino Rossi won that vote! King County stole our votes from us. All of their council member need to be replaced with Conservative members (a dream at best). Had not the CA moved up here to create the same disaster they created in CA this probably never would have happened.
Jennefer, I read "the identity of the office or agency at which any particular individual registered to vote must be used only for voter registration purposes, is not available for public inspection, and shall not be disclosed to the public. Any record of a particular individual's choice not to register to vote at an office of the department of licensing or a state agency designated under RCW 29A.08.310 is not available for public inspection and any information regarding such a choice by a particular individual shall not be disclosed to the public." Sounds like a very limited restriction on information. Am I missing something? Thanks for your work.
There was some whistleblower testimony on video at a webinar conducted by the Skagit County Republicans a couple of years ago. It was a DoL whistleblower. Due to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, all motor vehicle bureaus are mandated by the US Government to register anyone to vote that is currently a licensed driver. It's up to the states to vet their records for compliance. An oddity, at best. The DoL, which has been confirmed as allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's license, also happens to be the agency that registers people to vote (one of a few state agencies).
I just subscribed and am reading through your posts. Thank you for unveiling this info. I moved up here in 2003 to get away from CA and their issues with an eye on a better life for my family. We opened a business in 2004. Then things slowly started to change and I haven’t heard anyone write about this so succinctly. Completely makes sense! My question is if everyone is corrupt, how can We the People get our state back?
We get our state back, by showing people about our elections, helping them understand the election process, and going front here. People still believe our elections are honest, and that people are voting for these crazy, evil globalist/marxist criminals.
Interesting. This was the same time the state Juvenile system implemented its ITM Integrated Treatment Model ( translated allow incarcerated juveniles to get away with murder and reward them for it). Which they continue to push further down the leftward spiral
I found your post when I went into "explore" and you were recommended in my reading. Great post. We live on the somewhat sane Eastern side of the state. Are you aware of Glen Morgan's site, "We the Governed"? We remember the Gregoire steal. Isn't that the year the state " forgot" to send the military ballots out?
In 1864 the Democrats attempted to steal the election from Lincoln using mail in voting and the perpetrators were hung. I think we should go back to doing that.
Jenna, this article is a diamond. It really makes sense. I had just come back from South Africa after being gone for 3 years and had no idea about the political chicanery that was being set up.
This newsletter has been editted multiple times, by me. There's something about this newsletter that I felt needed to get the message about our elections. The more people that know about the treachery that started in 2004, the better.
We were essentially 'sold up the poop creek without a paddle' by BOTH parties. This is just my own opinion, but I'm probably not the only one.
Thank you for reading. It means a lot to me.
Wow that is extremely elaborate measures to say the least. Going to take and act of God to un ravel all of that. Keep praying y’all and keep voting.
Wow that is a Deep State dive that took place so long ago. However it doesn't surprise me as we all knew at the time the Dino Rossi won that vote! King County stole our votes from us. All of their council member need to be replaced with Conservative members (a dream at best). Had not the CA moved up here to create the same disaster they created in CA this probably never would have happened.
it's not just the council. Both parties voted for this bill. sb 6417 passed unanimously in both chambers.
Jennefer, I read "the identity of the office or agency at which any particular individual registered to vote must be used only for voter registration purposes, is not available for public inspection, and shall not be disclosed to the public. Any record of a particular individual's choice not to register to vote at an office of the department of licensing or a state agency designated under RCW 29A.08.310 is not available for public inspection and any information regarding such a choice by a particular individual shall not be disclosed to the public." Sounds like a very limited restriction on information. Am I missing something? Thanks for your work.
no, Dan. You read that correctly.
There was some whistleblower testimony on video at a webinar conducted by the Skagit County Republicans a couple of years ago. It was a DoL whistleblower. Due to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, all motor vehicle bureaus are mandated by the US Government to register anyone to vote that is currently a licensed driver. It's up to the states to vet their records for compliance. An oddity, at best. The DoL, which has been confirmed as allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's license, also happens to be the agency that registers people to vote (one of a few state agencies).
I just subscribed and am reading through your posts. Thank you for unveiling this info. I moved up here in 2003 to get away from CA and their issues with an eye on a better life for my family. We opened a business in 2004. Then things slowly started to change and I haven’t heard anyone write about this so succinctly. Completely makes sense! My question is if everyone is corrupt, how can We the People get our state back?
sorry for the delay in replying, Anna.
We get our state back, by showing people about our elections, helping them understand the election process, and going front here. People still believe our elections are honest, and that people are voting for these crazy, evil globalist/marxist criminals.
Bravo Jenna👏‼️🥳
Interesting. This was the same time the state Juvenile system implemented its ITM Integrated Treatment Model ( translated allow incarcerated juveniles to get away with murder and reward them for it). Which they continue to push further down the leftward spiral
I found your post when I went into "explore" and you were recommended in my reading. Great post. We live on the somewhat sane Eastern side of the state. Are you aware of Glen Morgan's site, "We the Governed"? We remember the Gregoire steal. Isn't that the year the state " forgot" to send the military ballots out?
In 1864 the Democrats attempted to steal the election from Lincoln using mail in voting and the perpetrators were hung. I think we should go back to doing that.
Jenna, this article is a diamond. It really makes sense. I had just come back from South Africa after being gone for 3 years and had no idea about the political chicanery that was being set up.