Time to inform AG Bondi of the Olympia Regime
SB 5497 (2019), the 'sanctuary state' bill, is a crime scene.
I read an article in The Gateway Pundit, about the US DOJ taking action against ‘Governor’ Kathy Hochul and the NYS DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), which includes filing charges, over illegal immigration.
Given that New York State is a ‘blue’ state (sanctuary state, rigged elections, and an unlawful governor), this inspired me to post this news article.
I’m including AG Bondi’s contact information posted on the Department of Justice website, because I refuse to allow Washington state to be ignored, yet again.
There are actually TWO bills that AG Bondi and the DOJ need to be aware of (which has been covered in-depth on this substack: SB 6417 (2004), and SB 5497 (the infamous ‘sanctuary state’ barring local/state law enforcement from cooperating with federal ICE/immigration enforcement to detain/arrest/deport illegal immigrants).
The main focus, is SB 5497 - the ‘sanctuary state’ bill signed into law by Inslee, and passed by a majority Democratic vote (including Steve Hobbs, currently (unlawfully) serving as Secretary of State, as well as Jamie Pedersen (who's been reported as being anti-parental rights, pro gender-affirming care, and defends Seattle ex-mayor Ed Murray and his trouble with foster children), and Patty Kuderer, the current WA State Insurance Commissioner.
A lot of the legislators who voted to pass SB 5497, are still in office.
They violated their sworn oath of office to uphold/support the laws of the US, and WA State.
I encourage you to contact via email, or regular mail (certified), the Department of Justice, attn: attorney general.
The information which should be included, is SB 5497, how it’s enshrined in Washington state law, to flout federal law, in violation of the WA State and US Constitution, as well as the effects illegal immigrants have had on our state (including churches allowing so-called ‘asylum seekers’ to stay in our state.
Here’s SB 5497:
and SB 6417 (2004) - the law blocking audit of vote registrations conducted by state agencies (this is important, because if agencies are registering illegal aliens to vote, we can’t audit them).
And here’s the contact information for the Department of Justice:
The website: https://www.justice.gov/contact-us
Regular mail:
Correspondence to the Department, including the Attorney General, may be sent to:
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
By phone: (not recommended, but if you feel the need)
The Department may be contacted by phone at the following:
Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555
Department of Justice Main Switchboard: 202-514-2000
TTY/TDD: 800-877-8339
I’ll post my own letter I’ve sent, within the next couple of days.
Thanks for pulling all this info together for us! Well done!
Never to hold public office again ... for starters.