In 2014 my new neighbor from India told me the state registered him to vote i.mediately. He told me the voters registration was inside the immigrant welcome packet. He also said voter registration have been like this for at least 10 years, which indicates this has been happening since at least 2004!!!

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Just in WA??? Those dems are BEYOND CORRUPT and they are MAKING OTHERS BREAK THE LAW by doing that! There WILL be ACCOUNTABILITY for ALL of them. It is so unbelieveable! Do these people actually believe that when they GET CAUGHT breaking the law, that their bosses will actually stand up for THEM? That would be a NO--because then THEY will be heading to PRISON THEMSELVES!

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Many years ago Mrs. G. our governor at the time didn't have anyone show up for a court date and as a result the state lost 5mil. I have always thought that was a payback for someone. Also I have noticed all our governors come thru the office of the AG. Maybe letting them know who is doing what in case a "Shut up Letter' is needed. Mike

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Inslee was the only one who wasn't previously AG. but he was a practicing attorney.

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I heard that his own family disowned him...he is one bad dude. Probably would SELL OUT ANYONE.

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Washington is a cesspool of corruption. I have lived here 20 years too long. I don't have any hope to clean it up. Poor man's California!

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the ingredients and the inspiration is here to remove all the corrupt politicians.

despite popular belief, we don't need 1000s of people.

it only takes enough people to have the will to do something.

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Born and raised and used to miss it. Still do but not because of how it’s run these days. One reason I won’t move back.

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I have HOPE and I KNOW that God is going to work His Miracles ALL OVER THE WORLD! evil will NOT SURVIVE HIS WRATH! And WE WERE BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Oerhaps you need to sit this one out?

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I agree, the STORM is COMING! Bring it on, we need a total cleansing storm in this state. God BLESS you all who are able to facilitate this!

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Good! Then hopefully it will expose a lot more corruption that's been happening since 1983 in this state and expanded tremendously since the absolute take over in 1989-1990 by Californians bringing their ridiculous political laws with them

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I moved to Washington State in 2003 from California - we were both conservative Republicans. Not everyone who comes here is a flaming liberal.

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Fergie and his corrupt pals are about to FAFO! I cannot WAIT to see all the fireworks! Or perhaps the Angel of Death will get to them first--there are prophetic reports from several prophetic voices in the past 3 years that the Angel of Death is on the Earth and waiting for the GO signal...then Multiple MILLIONS are supposed to be dropping dead in ONE DAY! I heard one analyst of time who thinks it might happen in April during Passover week...coinciding with the original Exodus from Egypt. I would not want to be around ANY of the devils minions during that week--stay out of range.

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May God have absolute zero mercy on these corrupt people!

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The brainwashed idiots who keep voting for Democrats haven't realized yet they're in a suicide pact with a corrupt parasitic socialist government sucking their blood.

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John, I'm fairly certain there isn't any real elections going on in this state...not since mail-in voting, top two primary, and lack of voter ID has been a thing in our state for almost two decades.

we have a sociopathic socialist government that has no lawful authority to be in power, and will cheat to stay in power.

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My mistake Lisa

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Ten years would be 2015, Lisa. 😉

I know someone who’s married to an American and has a green card. She doesn’t live here full time. When she got her drivers license last summer they also sent her (illegally) a voter card. She didn’t vote and knew it was illegal. It also means, if you do vote illegally, then you will never be allowed to apply for citizenship here.

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Are you https://x.com/Wake_upWA on X? I ask because I don't do 'social media'...

I have questions about being able to drill down into the data shown on https://fiscal.wa.gov/

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I worked in construction for many years. Every one of them could vote. They are given cell phones, internet, housing assistance, food stamps, medical, etc. And could vote. Any wonder they arent going to vote for more free stuff?

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What would it take to stop this?

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Pam Bondi's information is in the link below.


SB 5497 is the 'sanctuary state for illegal aliens' law.

please use, if you feel the need.

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